Where's My Rabbit?

He’s gone! Usually sitting on top of our bedroom bookcase, I noticed that the stuffed white rabbit with long floppy ears was missing. “Where is my rabbit?” I yelled in hopes that someone knew of his whereabouts, but no one answered. Then after an exhaustive search, another suggested, “I wonder if it fell into the trash. A trashcan stood near the bookcase which had been emptied that morning.

All of our household trash at that moment waited on the curb for pick-up.  Did I care enough about my little rabbit to dig through seven large bags of trash for it? Or was I willing to part ways…forever! I must admit, I hesitated because I knew of the slime and grime that would be involved in the excavation. Nasty stuff came to mind!

But the thoughts of my rabbit being taken to the dump and buried beneath an abyss of garbage got the best of me. I marched to the end of the driveway to methodically dig through the trash bags, one by one.  My neighbors began to peek through the windows and doors, wondering if I had lost something really valuable, like my mind.

Where are you Adam? The Lord God came to walk with Adam in the Garden but could not find him. (Gen. 3:8-9) In the effort to restore Adam to that Garden walk, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, humbled Himself to become a man and go through the trash to find us. What if Jesus hadn’t done that! I think we take for granted such a gracious sacrifice made on our behalf.  Philippians 2:6-8 says it best, He did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant. He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

One of the trash bags had spoiled chicken and rotten potatoes in it, so I prayed for the rabbit to be in any of the bags but that one. Yet, not my will but yours Lord! After unsuccessfully locating my rabbit in any of the other six bags, I began to reluctantly pilfer through that last bag. Did I find the rabbit? Yes, but not before absorbing smelly rotten potato goo on my pants and rancid chicken juice spilling all over me. There I stood with my little stuffed rabbit, both of us reeking unpleasantly. The neighbors continued to watch and wonder at my sanity. But I was ecstatic. My rabbit once lost was now found!  

Quickly cleaning up the mess and re-bagging the trash, I returned to the house and showered. The sweet smell of victory had replaced the awful stench. Once again my little white rabbit sits on the bookcase, restored to his original place, clean and clearly loved.  Only love would propel a righteous God to come into this world to save us from eternal destruction. And only love did! For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life (Jn. 3:16).


Gospel of Jesus Christ 

The word "gospel" means good news. The ministry of Jesus Christ brought us GOOD NEWS of forgiveness, deliverance and healing. His grace covers all of our sin and puts us in right standing with God. This is not only GOOD NEWS, it is GREAT NEWS to those who recognize the sinful inclinations that work against us to our own destruction.

In Jesus Christ we are completely forgiven and by His Spirit are made alive now and forever. We are day by day being transformed from glory to glory as we are led by the Spirit. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God (Ro. 8:14).

Jesus does love you and proved that by laying down His life for your salvation. Greater love has no man than this, that one lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).

If you have not repented from sin and received God's Son as your Savior and Lord, then why not do it now! Jesus has accomplished the work of redemption. Accept His atonement by faith and then live a holy life, separated unto God.  The proof of your faith is in what you say and do. Be free. Be loved. Be at peace with God your Father.

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